Tuesday, April 14, 2009

...kembali ke UIA utk menjawab soalan^.^

got medsi test this saturday. hope everything goes well, InsyaAllah. Good luck to those sitting for the test. just a kindly reminder to cik diri sendiri, get urself extra pencils ya ^_^

hoping for a bright sunny saturday on this 18th..
oh my beloved garden of knowledge and virtue, here i come...=)


  1. weeee~
    all the best 2 u cik kak!!
    da bwk byk pensel tu, jgn la lupe eraser nye yerk?..ahahah!..

    caiyok caiyok..
    mudah2an berjaya...amin... ;)

  2. thankyu cik kak..
    slamat da beli hihi, atas nasihat anda;)

    dah tak sabar nih, cewah..
